Fellowship Evenings

After a break for the summer our Fellowship Evenings return on the 1st September.

These take place each Thursday evening from 7pm and are held online. They last for an hour and take a variety of formats.

We have study evenings, quizzes, music, prayer, healing. Our events list tells you what is happening in each of the sessions.

You are sure of a warm welcome, so why not join us next Thursday.

Our Easter Gardens

A selection of Easter garden pictures from our members

Zion, Oughtibridge’s Easter Cross
Trevor’s Easter Garden
The Corkers’ Easter Garden
Shiregreen URC’s Easter Garden
Simon’s Easter Garden
Sheila’s Garden
Jean’s Easter Tree
Elaine’s Garden
Liz’s Garden
Jamie’s Garden
Ben & Helen’s Garden
Ian’s Garden
Ann’s Garden
Chris’s Garden

Debbie’s Garden
Shona’s Garden
Ben & Maria’s Garden

Coffee Morning

Details of our online coffee mornings

coffee cup

We are not holding our coffee mornings during August, but will be back with Saturday morning events in September. There is the opportunity to chat after the Sunday morning services, so we can still keep in touch with each others news.

The coffee morning is held each Saturday between 10:30 and 11:30. We know that you can’t leave your home, so you will have to provide your own coffee/tea and biscuits, but the Team have been using “Zoom” for video chatting and are inviting everyone to join them for a chat. 

All you need is a device with internet, or a smartphone, or even a simple telephone (without the video). The address to use is https://us04web.zoom.us/j/82614318926 

Instructions on how to join one of the sessions using a telephone call the information is on this page

Understanding Islam

Zaidie and I were delighted to join our friends at St Andrews URC for an event they had organised called ‘Understanding Islam’, presented by Dr Chris Hewer.  I learnt a great deal about Islam and was reminded how little I know about this world faith. Much of what Chris said challenged our Christian stereotypes of Islam and he gave us a sympathetic picture of the beliefs, practices and spirituality of muslims, whilst not ignoring the significant differences between our two religions and our understanding of God. Chris was speaking from a Christian point of view but was able to help us see the world of faith from an Islamic perspective.  It reminded me of my previous experiences of relating to people of other faiths.  Whilst we might feel uneasy at first, we soon discover how rewarding it is to engage with people who are different from us.  Such encounters don’t threaten our faith, but actually help us think more deeply about what we do believe and why.  It may be a bit of a paradox, but in my experience taking someone else’s faith seriously can strengthen our own.


If you feel you would like to find out more, Chris runs a very useful website:   https://www.chrishewer.org           Jamie