A Season of prayer

The word which we could use to describe our current situation, as churches, a denomination, a community and a world is ‘struggling’. A few weeks ago, our Lectionary Reading from Genesis 32:1-33 reminded us of Jacob and the
struggles he had in life, at his birth, finding himself a partner, with his brother, Esau – and his struggle with God.
Jacob encountered a number of difficult situations and changes in his life. As an adult his struggle with his brother saw him being fearful and making elaborate plans to defend himself from an attack which never came. He realised that his actions as a child were wrong and that he needed to find forgiveness. Jacob met with Esau and was forgiven. Forgiveness brought peace as both brothers were reconciled and went their separate ways.
Although Jacob, prayed he was still restless. Before meeting Esau, he had a dream, where he wrestled with someone he thought was God and, as in his birth story, he held on until he was given a blessing (and a new name, “Israel” meaning He struggles with God). Do we keep praying until we feel the presence of God and ask to receive a blessing from God?
Over the coming months, following our Listening Services, we, as Team Ministers, will continue to encourage the churches to carry on with a time of prayer and reflection. Taking time out to listen to God, and seeking God’s blessing as we journey into the next few months. No matter how hard we work, life will feel like a struggle and without God’s blessing our lives will be overshadowed by worry, and trouble.
With God’s help we can work towards a future, which is full of God’s blessing, peace, and love.
Let us pray….