Season of Prayer

Over the summer our Team Ministers and Steering Group considered the responses to City on A Hill and our recent Listening Services. We discerned that our next step is for a Season of Prayer in which all our congregations take time to listen to God.

This will begin, officially in October and run to our next Joint Service on February 18th (at Gleadless URC).

It is important that we take time to move forward together and that we don’t rush into decisions but, rather, seek God’s direction.

Prayer is a mystery which is more about how God moves us than how we move God – though both dynamics are there when we pray!

Prayer is not so much a vending machine into which we insert the right “coin” to get the right “candy”. It is more like a boat hoisting her sails to catch the wind.

How we pray and even what we say is not as important as putting ourselves in a place and position to hear God. We are confident that as we pray we will hear God’s voice guiding us.

Prayer Sessions to which all are invited:

25th October AM Dore & Totley – including prayer walking, prayer stations, prayer service (led by Barry) and lunch